Usimamizi Endelevu Wa Maliasili Activity:
Usimamizi Endelevu Wa Maliasili Activity is a multi-sectoral five-year intervention implemented by Lawyers’ Environmental Action Team (LEAT) together with one Rukwa Sustainable Development Organization (RUSUDEO). The intervention is designed to tackle threats on biodiversity through the use of multiple natural resources governance tools. In particular, the project intends to conserve land, wildlife, forests, and water resources on one hand and build the resilience of local communities and ecosystems in Rukwa through improved natural resources governance on the other.
LEAT envisions for communities in Lyamba lya Mfipa in both Nkasi and Sumbawanga districts, Rukwa region, with: increased knowledge and skills on management and governance of public resources; effective natural resources governance frameworks; ability to willingly participate in natural resources management and the adoption climate change risk-reducing practices; eagerness to question and demand accountability from duty bearers and institutions with the mandate to manage natural resource, leading to equitable benefit sharing, stronger governance systems, reduced conflict over natural resources, and increased oversight.
To achieve the aforementioned project results, LEAT and the sub awardee will directly strengthen the capacity of 2311 community members and local government officials including district officers (forest, environment, land, water, beekeeping, planning, community development, fishery, agriculture, mining), division officers, ward councilors, ward education coordinators, ward executive officers, ward community development officers, ward tribunals, village councils, village natural resources committees, village land councils, community owned water supply organizations, water users associations and villagers. The project, will similarly reach 5,000 villagers (in school and out of school) through public sensitization meetings on natural resources management, climate change and social accountability monitoring.
Likewise, to adapt and mitigate climate change effects, the project will work with Rukwa community to: plant 400,000 environmental friendly trees; facilitate 300 household with energy efficient stoves; form 15 Social Accountability Monitoring (SAM) teams; support the promulgation of 15 village by-laws; facilitate the development of 5 land use plans from the 15 targeted project villages and assist the provision of 1,000 Certificates of Customary Rights of Occupancy (CCROs); and work with 15 income generating groups to derive income from environmentally friendly natural resources activities.
In all phases of project implementation, LEAT will ensure proper engagement of likeminded stakeholders including USAID’s Lishe Endelevu Project, Land Tenure Assistance (LTA), Jane Goodall Institute (JGI), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), media outlets, small-scale producers and other NRM projects and thus enhance collaboration, learning and sharing of experiences for integrated environment and natural resources management. All project activities will be publicized through the use of Rukwa based community radios.
Advocacy for Improved Legal and Regulatory Regimes of Minerals, Gas and Petroleum Laws in Tanzania:
“Advocacy for Improved Legal and Regulatory Regimes of Minerals, Gas and Petroleum Laws in Tanzania” is a three-year project that seeks to promote transparency and accountability in the extractive industry sector in Tanzania so that the sector can significantly contribute in improving the lives of Tanzanians, the primary and traditional custodians of the extractive resources.
Collective Action for Rights Realisation in Extractives Industry (CLARITY).
The CLARITY project designed and implemented by Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), the Lawyers’ Environmental Action Team (LEAT) and the Tanzanian Women Chamber of Commerce (TWCC) in Geita (Geita Municipal and District Council) and Mara (Butiama, Bunda and Tarime Districts) regions. VSO, LEAT and TWCC recognise the powerful role youth, women, and people with disabilities (PWD) and associated CSO/networks can play in demanding rights, equal access, transparency and access to information and justice in the extractive industry when they acquire the necessary skills, assets, aspirations and capabilities for full, equal and effective participation.
The Project aims at:
- Enable women, youth and PWD to realise their rights to quality jobs, income, social inclusion, wellbeing, protection, civil society support and protection.
- Ignite accountability and transparency mechanisms at the community, private sector, and government level.
- Strengthen equitable and responsive due diligence mechanisms and responsible business practices within the extractive sector, including access to justice.
Project Action’s Specific Objectives are:
- Strengthened business responsive due diligence mechanisms that hold duty bearers to account and increase access to justice in the extractive sector, delivered to marginalised groups by CSOs, unions and networks.
- More accountable, equitable and responsive business practices of public and private duty bearers in extractive sector related to formal and self-employment, and environmental protection.
- 4,000 marginalized women, youth and PWD are informed and empowered to raise their voice, be heard and access justice for harmful economic, corporate, and sociocultural practices.
Expected Output:
- Improved CSO organisational capacity and ability to conduct budget analysis; advocacy; provide access to information; community and citizen-led monitoring
- Active multi-stakeholder forums are set up to broaden partnerships between LGAs, key ministries, CSOs, CSR and human resource representatives from large mining corporations and SMEs.
- Paralegals and legal aid clinics in Geita and Mara provide access to justice legal advice and alternative resolution mechanisms.
- Women, youth and PWD understand economic rights, entitlements and how to safely claim them.
- Improved capacity of community members to protect, include and uphold marginalised groups’ economic rights a nd entitlements supported by the development of community safe spaces.
- Strengthened capacity of community leaders in rights and entitlements of marginalised groups, power dynamics, social and inclusion and gender social accountability tools, conflict resolution, their roles as community duty bearers and monitoring of ethical practices within business.