Inspiring Land Rights Stories from MIRG Pilot Activity


The MAST for Inclusive Resource Governance (MIRG) is a five-month pilot project funded by DAI Global, aimed at addressing environmental and natural resource management challenges. In Tanzania, DAI Global LLC collaborates with the Lawyers' Environmental Action Team (LEAT) to implement the MIRG Project in three pilot villages within the Sumbawanga District Council, Rukwa region. The project focuses on enhancing land tenure security and access to land resources for all community members, promoting sustainable land governance practices, and conserving biodiversity and natural resources in Nkwilo, Katoo, and Kizungu villages.

The MIRG Project emphasizes the inclusion of all gender groups and vulnerable populations, utilizing the MAST approach to develop land tenure registration plans and support existing Land Use Plans through the issuance of CCROs. Additionally, the project introduces the Social Development Officer (SDO) model to facilitate the participation of women and vulnerable groups in land use planning and certification processes. Over the past five months, the project has achieved significant successes, as illustrated by the following stories:

An Old Man and His Infertile Wife Reach a Resolution to Own Land Together

An elderly man and his wife, who faced infertility, initially struggled with land inheritance issues. Despite being married for 30 years without children, the man initially refused to share land with his wife. However, after discussions with LEAT, he agreed to demarcate land for her, with the full support of his children from previous marriages. This resolution brought peace and security to their lives. 

An Outsider Lady Who Gained Land Rights from Her Family

A lady, seen as an outsider by her family, was given land by her father before he passed away. During land demarcation, her stepmother and stepbrothers claimed the land, sparking a conflict. The conflict was resolved, and they are slowly beginning to live in peace. 

Elderly Man and Bother's Land

An elderly man was gifted land by his brother before he passed away. Despite initial disputes over its use, the family, with guidance from LEAT under MIRG Pilot project, reached a heartwarming agreement to allocate 3.5 acres to him out of 6 acres. This resolution highlights the power of dialogue and unity in overcoming family conflicts.

Widow's Struggle for land ownership

Facing pressure to marry her brother-in-law to remain in her husband's house, a widow stood firm and refused to be inherited. With the support of the MIRG project, she successfully demarcated the compound she shared with her husband and secured over 1 acre of farming land. Her story is a powerful testament to resilience and the fight for women's rights.

Polygamous Family land conflicts

A woman faced severe conflicts with her husband after he married two additional wives and gave away their jointly owned land.  With advice from Village Adjudication Committee (VAC) and the MIRG project team, the husband agreed to separate the land parcels for each wife during the land demarcation and adjudication process, resolving the conflicts and restoring peace.

Elderly Widow's Land Dispute Resolution

An elderly widow inherited land and a house from her late husband, but her son used the land without her consent and demarcated it in his name. With advice from LEAT during the objection and correction of land parcels, the son agreed to let his mother own the land, with him as the beneficiary. This resolution brought her immense joy and security.

 A Divorced Woman Regains Her Rights to Own Land

A woman with eight children faced a challenging situation when her husband took another wife and subsequently divorced her. Forced to leave the house with some of her children, she found herself in a precarious position.

During the land demarcation process, she reported her case to the Lawyers' Environmental Action Team (LEAT) staff.  Recognizing the injustice, LEAT advised her husband to include her in the land demarcation process. He agreed, and now she co-owns the land with her ex-husband.

This resolution not only restored her rights but also provided her and her children with the security and stability they needed. Her story is a powerful example of how advocacy and legal support can help individuals reclaim their rights and ensure fair treatment in land ownership disputes.

From Refusal to Fairness: An Elderly Man’s Journey to Equitable Land Ownership

An elderly man, who married three wives and currently lives with the youngest, initially refused to co-own land with his wives, especially the youngest, as she had nothing when he married her. However, with the guidance of the MIRG team, he reconsidered his stance and agreed to demarcate land for each wife. Now, every wife, including the youngest, owns a portion of the land. This story highlights the transformative power of dialogue and support in achieving fairness and equity in land ownership.



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